Supporting the Sugar Policy Modernization Act of 2017

To keep advancing our market and our economy, it is crucial that we advocate for proper legal reforms that benefit our consumers, taxpayers and all the small-business owners across the country.  The Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity, along with other organizations, directed a letter to senators and representatives, urging them to support the Sugar Policy Modernization Act of 2017, S. 2086 and H.R. 4265 – in order to make necessary market changes in the current sugar program.

The letter opens as following “On behalf of the undersigned organizations and our millions of members across the country, we urge you to support S. 2086 and H.R. 4265, the Sugar Policy Modernization Act of 2017. This legislation is crucial for achieving necessary and substantive reform of the sugar program.”

 In 1934, the sugar program was enacted and set up in order to protect sugar farmers and stabilize sugar prices. However, the program is outdated, and it does not benefit or protect  small-business owners or consumers. In fact, The American Enterprise Institute reports that this outdated program costs consumers and small businesses $2.4 to $4 billion every year, meaning higher costs for businesses that rely on low-cost sugar to make their products. In addition, the program allows the government to impose marketing controls that limit sugar processors.

The Sugar Policy Modernization act of 2017 is looking to create a sufficient supply of sugar for all sugar farmers, small businesses that use the product and the consumers who purchase it. The legislation is not intended to hurt sugar farmers, but to change the regulations that restricts sugar imports and hurt our market. Current legislation only benefits a few of the wealthiest sugar processors – it  has hurt our domestic production and also restrained our international trade.

It is crucial that we advocate for a reform to our current sugar program. Senators and legislators must show their support for our domestic industries, local business owners, taxpayers and the consumers  that are all affected by an antiquated program. Reforming these laws is the only way we can keep our market competitive, our businesses strong and protect all american consumers.

Ainsley Shea