Protect American Innovation Without Importing Foreign Price Controls

This morning, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) published a new issue brief titled, Put Americans First by Ending Global Freeloading. In the brief, AFPI recommends the United States implement Most Favored Nation (MFN) drug policies in order to prevent the rest of the world from leeching off of American pharmaceutical innovation. While foreign countries freeloading off American innovation is a legitimate problem, simply importing foreign price controls into America’s healthcare system is not the answer. 

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Ainsley Shea
TAPP Applauds Sponsors of EPIC Act to Eliminate the “Pill Penalty”

Currently, the Inflation Reduction Act enforces price controls on drugs under two different timelines. Small molecule drugs that are approved as New Drug Applications (NDAs) become eligible for price controls after nine years. Large molecule drugs, known as biologics, become eligible after 13 years. This unequal treatment is known as the “pill penalty.”…

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Ainsley Shea
TAPP Signs onto Coalition Letter Urging PBM Reform

The Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity joined nearly two dozen groups in sending a letter to Congress urging passage of common sense legislation to reform some of the ways in which pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) interact with government programs like Medicare and Medicaid…

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Ainsley Shea
President Trump: Say “NO!” to Socialist Rx Drug Pricing Scheme!

Today, U.S. Senate Democrats called on the new Trump Administration to continue Medicare drug price “negotiations” to lower costs, a scheme included in President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. The Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity urges President Trump to say “NO!” to pursuing the IRA’s socialist prescription drug pricing scheme…

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Ainsley Shea
TAPP Urges Congress to Reform PBMs

On Friday, Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity Executive Director Kent Kaiser, Ph.D., wrote a letter to several members of Congress urging them to pass S.2973 and S.3430 this year in order to reform pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs)…

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Ainsley Shea
TAPP Urges Congress to Pass the Promoting and Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership Act

Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a mark-up on the Promoting and Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership (PREVAIL) Act. As TAPP has said in the past, the PREVAIL Act, and similar legislation, is critical to the promotion of American innovation and the maintaining of our technological edge over foreign adversaries like China.

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Ainsley Shea
TAPP in Financial Times: If US turns protectionist, it must at least be pragmatic

Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity Executive Director Kent Kaiser, Ph.D., recently wrote a letter to the editor of the Financial Times. The letter discusses three bipartisan trade policies that the new Trump administration should pursue: The Level the Playing Field 2.0 Act, the Protecting American Industry and Labor from International Trade Crimes Act, and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.

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Ainsley Shea
TAPP Supports Patent System Reform

Soon, the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected mark up two pro-patent bills that have been working their way through Congress this year. TAPP supports both of them to increase U.S. competitiveness globally.

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Ainsley Shea
New American Edge Project Poll Highlights Unity Against Foreign Technological Threats

American Edge Project (AEP) recently released a new survey of U.S. and European voters in order to gauge their thoughts on Chinese and Russian technological threats. The poll surveyed 1,001 registered voters in the U.S., 1,000 registered voters in the U.K., 1,001 registered voters in France, 1,004 registered voters in Germany, and 502 voters in Belgium between August 27 and September 16, 2024.

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Ainsley Shea