TAPP in Financial Times: If US turns protectionist, it must at least be pragmatic

Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity Executive Director Kent Kaiser, Ph.D., recently wrote a letter to the editor of the Financial Times. The letter discusses three bipartisan trade policies that the new Trump administration should pursue: The Level the Playing Field 2.0 Act, the Protecting American Industry and Labor from International Trade Crimes Act, and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.

Kaiser wrote, in part, “America has many tools available — mostly “sticks” — including tariffs, export controls, sanctions, quotas and others, which the old Trump administration applied aggressively. Beyond delivering on strident campaign promises to continue a punitive trade policy, the new Trump administration should develop new tools, including “carrots” to incentivise trade activity that comports with American objectives.”

Read the full letter here.

Ainsley Shea